Thursday, 21 June 2007

The Odyssey

The Odyssey and 2012. What will Armageddon look like?

"Gradually, in a tightening spiral, responses constellate the collective wisdom of what 12/21/12 may portend astronomically, hermetically, spiritually, environmentally, and humanly. Will it be a collective human/terrestrial metanoia, abolishing the illusion of separation and unifying us in a grand telepathic noetic jewel net—a kind of Teilhardian omega point—or, failing that, global apocalyptic destruction?
Rich food for thought!"

Deborah Forman


Anonymous said...

2010 will be the year that everything finally completely breaks down.
2012 is the year the lights go completely out.

Chandira said...

IF we don't pull ourselves together and do something..

I also wonder about the 'self-fulfilling prophecy' aspects of this one.