Monday, 8 October 2007

Peace is Child's Play

Peace is child's play. This is an article from the Dharma Cafe website on the difference playing with children can make to all our lives. A must read for all of us.


RR Johnson Jr. said...

Thanks for leaving a comment on my humour website Chandira.

Peace is difficult because it is a simple act. The human heart by most definitions prefers the most difficult paths. It is easier to steal than to work for a living, easier to hate than to love, easier to kill than to preserve life. War far easier than peace.

For extreme right wing followers of the Quron it is easier for them to kill than to teach the ways of peace through the Quron

No one can find peace until they find it within themselves--not within others

RR Johnson Jr. said...

Made a slight typo the correct sentence in one of the paragraphs should ahve said:

The human heart by most definitions prefers the easiest paths