Thursday, 18 September 2008

Lipstick on which pig exactly?


Anonymous said...

Political gobbledeegook. Campaigning calls for reactive oratory. It matters not whether a candidate makes sense, but whether the candidate impresses voters. Few people vote according to the issues or else we would never have been cursed with the present administration. People choose leaders not accorsding to their characters, but according to how they perceive them.

Chandira said...

Exactly.. And that's what is so digusting about this whole campaign. People no longer think about issues, but about who they 'like'. I know if people voted on issues, they would be a bit smarter about it.

Oscar1986 said...

Your right, personally I realy hate (maybe hate is to strong...nah) both Mccain and Obama both of them say nothing...
They are just products trying to please the most people possible.